Divorced: Who Covers the Bills While Going Through a Divorce

Making the decision to divorce is never easy, but it can be even more difficult if you cannot agree on important financial issues. The process of divorce can be long and tedious, but it is possible to work out a satisfactory agreement until it the divorce is final. The following is an overview of divorce and who pays the bills until the final papers are signed. If you are considering divorce, it may help to speak with Chicago divorce attorneys for advice.

Who Normally Pays The Bills?

If one person was the primary breadwinner and paid the bills routinely, it may be easiest to leave that in place. It is always best if couples can agree on their own about who is going to pay certain bills. Unfortunately, money is one of the biggest issues during divorces, so this is often impossible. In these cases, the court may need to intervene and decide who will be responsible for certain bills.

Dividing Up The Bills

When a couple has expenses such as credit cards only in their name, they should pay those bills on their own. It is more difficult, however, to decide who should pay bills with both parties' names on them such as:

  • Gas And Electric Bills
  • Mortgage Payments
  • Car Payments
  • Cable And WiFi Bills
  • Joint Credit Cards

While it may be difficult to determine who is paying the bills, you have an obligation to protect your interests if your name is on them as well as your spouses. However, you must be aware that you will not be entitled to any of that money back once the divorce is final. Only agreements determined by the court that are in writing are legally binding.

If you are going through a divorce, you most likely feel overwhelmed with all of the decisions that need to be made. During this difficult time, you need a lawyer to protect your interests until your divorce is final. Contact the Law Offices of Michael P. Doman to discuss the options available to you under the law in your state.

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